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  1. Today
  2. ty 4 loot, most fun pk i've had with this clan in years
  3. Decided we'd go out and mace some loot. We crashed multiple PKRI's (three in total - uwu vs outlaws, ignite vs unwanted & finally outlaws vs purify) whilst macing, and proceeded to repo +1s from all of these clans. Finished the night up by ending Purify+Misfits+Pot Videos: Loot:
  4. Yesterday
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  6. Damned

    yo yo yo

    zank u for your message and rest assured @Lay and @Mike are doing the best they can to get back to your pms in order to situate you in the clan, inshallah we see you as a proud member. u must now add "dujmovic" and "par.lay" on discord in which they will assign you your next steps
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