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Sunday: Ending Inflictions Med Campaign in 30 Minutes, then violating them on mains [FT AUDIO]


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~High Council
Posts: 210
Member ID: #43

Heard infliction had a planned prep for this Sunday, and once again as the designated protectors of the pure scene we had to step up and do our part to keep the scene main-free.


We logged into inflictions 30 man pull on med levels @ CA and wiped them off the map in a matter of minutes, from here their plan was to drag north and sit on mains, after around 20-30 minutes of us farming POT pures/meds + IF meds we decided to hop on our mains and begin the real fight.

From the get go we knew this would not even be a challenge for us, especially having 3-0'd IF in CWA already this week here, they lasted around 30 minutes at CA before attempting to drag the fight north to corp, then boneyard, and finally gap,  we proceeded to chase IF from 15 wild to 46 (lmfao irl) and absolutely decimated them.


I don't see them ever showing up to a Sunday again after what went down today.

















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