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EoP Presents: Zenith - The Lowest Point (Admin Leak)


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Posts: 133
Member ID: #5

How are our rival gonna let this happen back to back lol

"To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art"

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Posts: 345
Member ID: #14

You are no longer a topic maker in this clan, you are a fucking leader. I'm sick of the pms I'm getting here and there. You need to step the fuck up and figure it out.
You are getting a 300 man ml handed to you, a massive discord handed to you, and everything provided for you.
I don't know what happened yesterday but based on the pms and what I saw, you didn't do basic things I've been
telling you over the years, aka you wernt on a hider, the topic is all pictures on elveymage.
If you keep going silent and stuff during fights, then people gunna lose faith in you, including your own ranks.
If you don't use a hider moving forward, then I think it's best you leave discord, I can transfer all the topics you made over the years to Zetros forum acc, and you can pursue your clanning career in rot



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Posts: 179
Member ID: #110

"There are currently 178 users viewing this page"



Lots of people still taking it all in I see






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